I have always thought If I work hard, everything will fall in line. I have pushed forward in my career to not only be profitable for who I was working for, but to somehow better the lives of the people I come in contact with every day. From an entry level position to corporate America, I have had numerous opportunities to make a difference. Being in the Senior Living industry for 30 years, I have had the privilege to work with not only the senior population, but also their families. My favorite thing ever to be involved in, is to have someone speak of a dilemma and be honored to help them figure out a solution. I absolutely love being able to provide resources to make someone’s day just a little bit brighter. I have played every role from direct care to the VP role in large companies nation wide. I have greatly enjoyed helping people in my own back yard as well as traveling across the globe in other countries. Language and customs may be different, but the human need to make the next day better is always the same.
One common denominator regardless of what country I am in, is that people have a need to excel, and if they don’t meet that need, they tend to settle where they are. I love helping people see that they don’t have to settle, that they have the ability to make life even better. What ever starting point a person is at, they just need to know that they can indeed take the next step.
Are you ready to take that next step? I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can. Lets chat….and see how exciting your next step of taking control of your future can be.
I look forward to helping you find the options that are right for you.