Darren’s Takeaway:
Life is a great big Garden. We do not lack in sowers constantly sowing seeds in our lives. Negative and Positive seeds can get thrown at us everyday. Now within that garden, leaders rise up and the true leader doesn’t get caught up in all the seeds that are thrown in other peoples directions. Leaders spend their time cultivating the soil, leaders spend time making sure there is enough water and sun. Leaders make sure there is enough food. True leaders make sure that the environment is most conducive for growth to those around them. Compliments are wonderful, and you should always be willing to say positive, nice things to people. That is a good seed that is sown. But some get caught up with saying nice things just so people think they are nice. As a leader, you roll up your sleeves and your main focus is to create an environment around the people around you that fosters growth. What are you doing today, to make sure someone else is growing?